Episode 1.3
I mentioned before that the original version of this story was in black and white. When I went back to color this page I decided to re-draw the middle panel. When I originally posted the story a few people pointed out that the way I had drawn Mya lifting weights just wasn’t realistic. I decided that if I was going to show her working out I might as well be as accurate as possible. Here’s the panel as it appeared originally. In some ways I like it better than the new version. Oh well!
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Neat redraw, I curious to see else has changed.
Her posture is all wrong in the revised 4th panel. See, her right foot is stepping out of the panel borders and standing on top of the window in panel 5, so when she stands up she’ll slice her heel off on the glass!
Ha hah, i love making fun of nitpickers! All kidding aside, you are doing a great job, can’t wait to read more of this!
The redrawn panel looks awesome, Jake.
Know what I like the most about this series? It shows that you can draw real people, draw them consistently and draw them well.
I approve of the redrawn panel. In the original her thigh muscles were bigger than her head!
I would imagine someone like her would be doing cross-fit or something similar, relying on dynamic muscles rather than bulk muscles, but don’t take my word for it.
I really dig the abs in the revised panel. 😀
Thanks. Between Korra and Mya I’ve been drawing a lot of abs.
i like the redrawn version it has better lifting technique and looks more realistic but both versions are good
Neber go for realism in a comic. You are right… the original was better.
Go with yer gut. Go with your first instinct. It’s usually right in such matters. : )