episode 8.14
Hi. It’s been awhile!
I started working on this comic in beginning of December or last year, right before The Last Jedi came out. The previous Ghost Kiss episode had been pretty heavy, and I knew the next one would be too, so I wanted to do something short, light and fun in between. My original plan was to post this on Christmas, but life got in the way and I only got the first few panels done in time. I put it aside for a few weeks to work on other projects, but soon Valentines Day was coming up, and with last Jedi still in the theatres I thought this might make a fun Valentines Day comic. But I didn’t get it done in time for that holiday either. I also didn’t get it done in time for Star Wars day or the Solo opening weekend. Anyway, here it is now!
The next Ghost Kiss story will be a two-parter. I’m hoping to have the first part posted in September and the second in November. I know i kept you all waiting most of the year for a new chapter. I’m hoping now that I’ve wrapped up some other projects I can get back to Ghost Kiss ona more regular basis.
– Jake
That was fun! Thanks for the trip down memory lane 🙂
Whatever you can, whenver you can is fine by me Jake.
Marvelous trip down memory lane! All the old is new, the good bits popping back to mind! Great one!
Jake, I have to know. How did you get first timer reactions that were so spot on? I’ve been trying to keep my laughter from bursting out but it has been a struggle! LOL! Great job at making want to go re-watch them again! 🙂
See Jaymz’ comment.
This is very reminiscent of the time we watched the Star Wars movies at the studio, back when I thought Caravan of Courage was part of the original trilogy, hahaha.
Uh huh.
FWIW, by my count, episode 8.14 is the 100th ‘page’ of the Ghost Kiss omnibus.
That sounds right.I feel like we’re about half way through the first season. Its going to be a big book!
This is cute )
I can’t wait for the book
Someday. I have plans for it, for layout and extras and stuff. But its a ways off. I’m hoping to do 2 more episodes this year and 5 next year, and that should get us close to the end of the season. So… book in 2020?
Ha. That comment was so optimistic. Book in 2023?
Jesus. 2025?
Jesus. Maybe 2025?
“How to do you know who Billy Dee Williams is but not Lando?” That made me laugh out loud.
RL story.
Also this reminded me of one of my favorite funny youtube videos Amanda describes the trilogy from bits and pieces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJTCYdZTj2A
I’ve seen that!
Return of the Jedi, many of the kids favourite and non of the Adults favourite Star Wars movie.
I preffered the original movie as a child but that one’s fine too.
I love all of the movies, but RotJ is probably my favorite. That may be because I was 6 when it came out.
First one I saw in a theater, so I have a bit of a soft spot for it.
I really liked this and I hope we get to see more of this sometimes.
Maybe they could see poltergeist movies or the chucky movies?
Maybe. I had a similar experience with Poltergeist, except I was the one who had never seen it.
There can’t be a star wars fan alive who wouldn’t find this hilarioius. xD
Love your work. Just binge read all of Modest Medusa then Ghost Kiss. 1:30 am here. Time for bed. Thanks for a good solid couple of hours quality entertainment!
Thanks for reading!
That was so fun! The link was wonky, but I do like Ghost Kiss A LOT.
Thanks! The link was wonky?
I just binged all of this and I’m loving it so far!
I think all of us wanted to be Mya in that situation with the Nazis 😡
Also the Madusa crossover stuff is both hilarious and interesting…I’m guessing all that weird stuff came from The Veld then?
Not all of it. its more complicated than that. We’ll find out more eventually. Thanks for reading!
Do you have a revised posting date for the next Ghost Kiss story?
I wish I did. The series is not over at all, and I still want to work on it all the time, but the last year has been really rough and my time for working on the series has been almost zero. I’m doing everything I can to clear space in my life so I can do several Ghost Kiss chapters next year. I’m hoping to have a new chapter by Feb.
Recently discovered Ghost Kiss and really enjoyed reading the series. Thank you, wonderful comic!
Glad you like it!
Good evening. About a week ago I found Modest Medusa and after I finished that I read Ghost Kiss over 2 days. I love your story telling, the land of Yeld and this version of earth I’m finding very compelling. I can’t wait to read more about the Prince of Yeld especially after seeing him in adventure mans flashback and the mermaid in the ghost shark episode.
The events in Charlottesville were reprehensible and I honestly can’t understand what compels people to act with such irrational hate. Your story really got to me. very rarely do I read the comment section, but after those pages I felt I needed too to better understand what went on.
I hope you have had time to work on the next episode of ghost kiss. I realize I’m writing this a year to the day the last comic was posted. which I will add as a SW fan I very much enjoyed.
Keep up the great work Jake
Thanks. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series. I’ve been slowly working on the next Ghost Kiss episodes (which are a pretty big 2 parter). I hate that its been a year already, and I hope to have them done soon.
This was such a cheap story arc. But, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.
Especially since all I ever write is slice-of-life stories, heh…
And, now… I’m all caught up! Yay!
Wait, why is there no next button? Awww I was really enjoying this. Well, thank you! I guess I better check out the Medusa thing everyone’s talking about.
Over two years now – still waiting for the next story.
I’m sorry to keep you waiting, and I’m pretty sad that its taking so long.
Will there be more??
Yes! I am working on more.